The HemaClear® Express – September 18, 2017

This is the first issue of The HemaClear® Express, the Company newsletter. We’ll be sharing news and ideas with you on a more-or-less regular basis. Which means… if you have a success or an idea, don’t be shy. Feel free to email me, and I’ll share it and brag about you. My direct email is

Without further ado, in the last two weeks, we had 4 spontaneous inquiries from hospitals in the US, that want to start using HemaClear®. At least one of the doctors learned about HemaClear® while doing a fellowship. All are being initiated and in-serviced by their local HemaClear® representatives. This is CHAIN REACTION!

In August 2017, we shipped 8000 units from our Haifa factory to Eliving, our distributor in CHINA. That’s right, we’re exporting to China! Below are some of the goods, being loaded on a truck to go to the port. 12 of these pallets were shipped this time.

We want to welcome two new members of our Distribution Network:

  • TruTech Medical LLP of Mumbai, India, headed by Mr. Arun Keshavan
  • SkeletalFix LLC of Central Indiana, USA, headed by Mr. Mike Madara and his associate Mr. Brent Duffey


Larry Murdock, Alon Gavriely, and a few of our ISRs will work our booth at the ASSH Meeting in San Francisco, 7-9 September. We expect extensive traffic of US and international delegates. In the coming weeks, we shall share with you the respective leads from the Meeting.

That’s all for now. However…

From all of us here at HemaClear® to you, your family and friends, best wishes for a wonderful Rosh HaShanah (New Year) or simply a fantastic weekend.

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